Frandsen Bank & Trust
Improving risk management and reducing expenses
Frandsen Bank & Trust relies on a IBM Mainframe, Windows OS, SQL and DB2 Databases to manage its day-to-day IS Operations. Before installing OpCon, the IS (Information Services) staff had several scripts and workflows that ran on multiple servers in many different scripting languages. The large number of workflows became unmanageable over time, especially when attempting to process exceptions and troubleshoot unexpected issues.
Now the IS Operations team lets OpCon handle most of the normal daily batch jobs and scheduled processes, while they focus on implementing new services that bring value to their customers.
“When we’re evaluating new products or initiatives, we’re always looking at how we can build OpCon workflows right into the process.” Nick Wilcox, Senior Process Automation Analyst
During their last bank acquisition, there was a piece of Fiserv bank specific program (BSP) they purchased to help with duplicate account forwarding. It was very intrusive time-wise, and required manual manipulation of config and output files. Each NACHA file from the federal reserve needed to run through this BSP. "We were able to fully automate it with OpCon so it could take incoming NACHA files, run them through the BSP, update the duplicate accounts, generate NOC files, and send it right back to the fed, all hands off."
With more access to agents, (Windows LSAM), Frandsen was able to put an agent on a branch item processing store and forward (critical machine at each branch), to monitor the machine status and services, and check for files that have bad extensions that can crash the system.
“We structured ACH processing to look for files frequently. In the process, we’ve revealed issues at the Fed before they knew they had an issue.”Nick Wilcox, Senior Process Automation Analyst

Extracting data from the core to provide to 3rd party vendors is a key functionality that Frandsen gets from OpCon. Each of these jobs requires uploading and downloading of reports from different Fiserv products and 3rd party apps, and OpCon workflows can do it all automatically.
How Frandsen uses OpCon in 2021:
- Detect incoming ACH files and automatically execute job schedules to complete processing.
- Repurpose processing specialists to carry out non processing initiatives and monitor services.
- Execute month-end processing with Self Service automation
- Initiate reboots and patches for branch systems with Self Service automation
- Implemented positive pay through Q2/Centrix’s Exact/TMS (check reconciliation)
- Automated the payee match update
- Automated the monthly service charge process
- Automated nightly batch processing
- Loan origination (Abrigo/Sageworks SaaS)
- Automated core data extract nightly process
- Fiserv Premier business analytics tool (Used to schedule time-based)
- Now they trigger business analytics using milestone jobs
“The scheduling in OpCon is so versatile that I wish I could use it to manage my Outlook calendar and other work items.”
Nick Wilcox, Senior Process Automation Analyst
See how OpCon helped Frandsen Bank & Trust
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