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OpCon Vision
Video: See OpCon Vision in action
With both holistic and detailed functional views, cross-environment control, and the ability to monitor and meet SLAs, OpCon Vision is helping enterprises see automation in a whole new light. Watch how.
Simplified visibility with SLA management software
Implementing automation is all about simplifying your enterprise. Yet it can introduce a new set of complexities that can make it difficult to monitor performance across your operation. That’s why we created OpCon Vision, a business process and SLA managment software.
Ou business process software allows you to check the overall health of your complete OpCon deployment enterprise-wide, or drill down as deeply as you need to and check progress on any given workflow.
Vision consolidates all workflows onto simple clickable cards that are displayed on a succinct, logically organized dashboard. Just define what needs to be included on each card by adding tags to your existing jobs.
These tags can be event-triggered, such as “Disaster Recovery,” or “Critical.” Or they can be functional, such as “Day-End,” or “Infrastructure.” From there, Vision dynamically organizes and updates the cards according to the tags.
You can customize views by function, so administrators see only what they need to fulfill their responsibilities. This not only keeps your IT resources focused, it also provides your enterprise with an extra layer of system security.
Cards can cross environments
Vision allows you to create cross-environment cards that connect multiple instances of OpCon, so you can logically organize your enterprise by function and link interrelated workflows, while managing the health of them all through one central point of control. You can get the big picture or get as detailed as you like with a few easy clicks, making it easy to stay on top of your business process automation.
Efficient SLA management
Vision greatly streamlines SLA management. Through simple graphics you can monitor performance, see trends and receive alerts when SLAs are running behind or missed completely. Built-in diagnostic tools allow you to analyze why failures may be happening, which gives your team better information to successfully resolve the issue.
You can also configure Vision to automatically trigger necessary corrective actions in OpCon. Instead of constantly reacting to issues, your IT team becomes a proactive force that fixes potential problems before they can turn into SLA failures
Conquer your operations visibility challenges
A single point of control for all your business systems
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Proactive business and IT monitoring for critical processes
OpCon Vision is a powerful module that gives you a simple way of assessing and maintaining the health of your automated processes. This gives virtually anyone in your organization the ability to monitor processes, diagnose problems, and track Service Level Agreement compliance.
Enhance your Vision and improve SLAs
OpCon’s process monitoring tool includes features that help automatically keep SLAs on track.